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Energy Unknown

The Research Journal

open-source and open-minded!

Volume 1: 2021

Article Name & Web LinkVolume/Article/RevisionPDF Version
What Exactly Does the Word "crypto" Mean?V01-A01-R00PDF
The Domain Whitepaper(in progress... a unique open-source design based structure)
The 'Energy Unknown' Journal Foundational Purpose(in progress)
Nuclei consolidation theory (coming soon)
Positive outlook theory on the vast blockchain energy consumption footprint(coming soon)
Theory on time dependent forward-looking information convergence(coming soon)
Price-feen-psychosis (learning...)
...and others to be released in new yearly volumes
Tri-combinor orignate super massive quark distributor particle theory concept....super massive and super dense...size tbd
Quantum-impenetrable cryptographic schemeTo be formalized in and around year 2032-40, with an estimated security life of 150 years

If you would like to suggest a topic, or submit your own original research for collaboration and publication within this journal, please do contact us or contact an author!